Everything About Your Samsung Phone Belongs to Apple

August 3, 2012 § Leave a comment

I’m sure that more than a few of you have heard about the lovely proverbial fistfight going on between Apple and Android right now.

While Apple is often hailed for being THE forefront of innovation and is laying claim to anything vaguely similar to their mobile devices (in the words of Forbes, “any phone with a glass touchscreen and rounded corners”. Goshdarn they take all of the good ideas away, don’t they?)

Essentially, Samsung has landed themselves in a bit of a legal crisis. And while they might have a case for defending their right for glass screens and rounded corners on their phones, there are some slight (read: MAJOR) similarities between some of their product designs and those of Apple that sure aren’t helping their case:


Hmm this seems mighty familiar looking, doesn’t it? But one might argue that there are only so many ways to design the back of a tablet, right?

Huh- this is pretty peculiar, too. After all, Apple is known for their unique cables- you know, the long and narrow ones? Its almost enough to give a strike to Samsung, but not quite.


Is called asking for a lawsuit, buddy.

Oh, and by the way, did you happen to see this lately?

and no, it’s not Samsung this time, it’s Dell. Apples ideas and marketing is just so good that their competitors cant seem to get their grimy hands off of Apple patents.

My solution? Curl up in a ball with your arms over your head and prepare for lawsuit!

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